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American Forces Vietnam Network Recordings

The American Troops assigned to Vietnam did what American Troops did wherever they were assigned, served with Honor, and they had the American Forces Vietnam Network to bring them a slice of Home

AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam)

171 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 33 hours, 38 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
37 Audio CDs

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"Cool, Clear Water'"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

War-time news and entertainment (1962-1973)

The Great War brought America the status of Global Power. The Second World War was widely considered a "Good War" with American boys not only seeking revenge for Pearl Harbor but stopping the ravages of Fascism. Korea would be the "Forgotten War", with the American ground forces beginning the Conflict fighting with WWII technology while struggling to keep things from escalating to World War Three, however, America's participation in the "Police Action" was seen as necessary to prevent the expansion of Communism.

AFVN broadcaster, Billy Williams

There was no way that the Vietnam War would ever be a popular war. The US began supporting the South Vietnamese regime in 1954 both financially and militarily when the French were forced to abandon their colonial ambitions in Indo-China. Outgoing President Eisenhower cautioned his successor, John Kennedy to avoid any further entanglement in Southeast Asia. For the most part, the Kennedy Administration continued the Cold War Policies of Truman and Eisenhower, even after the debacle of the Bay of Pigs and the near world-ending Cuban Missile Crisis. One of the initiatives that Kennedy had inherited was the Military Assistance and Advisory Group (MAAG) of American Special Forces operating in South Vietnam. Kennedy's advisors encouraged him to increase the American presence on the ground by sending in Green Berets disguised as humanitarian relief workers. When the President fell to an assassin's rifle, there were 16,000 US troops in Vietnam.

The politics and controversy of American involvement in Vietnam are too large of a subject for this forum. What we need to point out is that the American soldiers, sailors, Marines, and Airmen who served in Vietnam, in general, served as American Troops had always done in the past and continue to this day: making the best of what was often a bad situation and serving with honor in the eyes of the world and brotherhood with their fellow servicemen.

The Armed Forces Radio Service (AFRS) which had served the troops in every theater of WWII became the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS, "A-Farts") in 1954. With the growing American presence in Vietnam, in the summer of 1962, Radio Hanoi began broadcasting American music along with North Vietnamese propaganda towards US Troops in the tradition of Tokyo Rose or Axis Sally. A WWII-era AFRS transmitter that had been stored in the Philippines was shipped to Saigon, and a studio was set up at the Rex Hotel on Nguyen Hue Blvd. AFRS Saigon began broadcasting from 0600 to midnight on 820 kHz AM. An FM service began in February 1965 on 99.9 MHz and AM broadcast.

Just as it had been in the early days of Network Radio, broadcast success was closely tied to the proliferation of receiver sales. "In country" troops were usually paid cash or "scrip" and, although enlisted pay was far from spectacular, there was little to spend it on and the Post Exchange shelves were filled with increasingly high-quality radio sets from Japan and Europe. The "transistor revolution" helped to make these units affordable and many were surprisingly rugged. At night, some of these radios could pick up stations from Hong Kong, Australia, even the U.S. West Coast, but during the day AFRS Saigon was heard everywhere in the Vietnam combat zone.

In July 1967 the call sign American Forces Vietnam Network, or AFVN was adopted. Eventually, the network would include nine broadcast detachments throughout the Warzone and a large, modern broadcast facility with several studios was built near the American Embassy in Saigon at 9 Hong Tap Tu.

Similar to AFRS material during WWII, Stateside radio personalities recorded broadcast content in Los Angeles to be flown over to Vietnam. Personalities included Wolfman Jack, Casey Kasem, Barbara Randolph, Roger Carroll, Chris Noel, Gene Weed, Tony Pigg, Bob Kingsley, Gene Price, Tom Campbell, Charlie Williams, and Herman Griffith. Local AFVN favorites Chickenman and Newton Snookers, the Tooth Fairy achieve near cult status among the troops.

Both civilian and military personnel assigned to AFVN were subject to terrorist and guerilla attacks. Technicians at remote AFVN facilities endured sniper fire while servicing antennas and a car bomb was set off outside the AFVN Studio in Saigon in May 1968.

Most American personnel withdrew from Vietnam after the Paris Peace Accords in early 1973. AFVN was cut back to a single FM broadcast as the American Radio Service. The last four American civilian technicians were evacuated in April 1975.

American Forces Vietnam Network was created as a morale-boosting military radio station for servicemen and women in Vietnam. AFVN broadcast 24 hours a day, seven days a week for over 10 years; it began broadcasting on August 15, 1962 and ended in March of 1973.After this, it changed its name and was run by civilians in Saigon. AFVN was a forum for news, comedy and entertainment for the soldiers during the Vietnam War. This collection includes clips from AFVN news shows, ads, advice for soldiers in Vietnam (about drinking water, VD, sending letters and packages and other such interesting blips), DJ intros, and short philosophical and morale-boosting segments.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

For more war-time recordings, check out the WWII Collection and The Complete Broadcasts of September 21, 1939 and D-Day, June 6, 1944. See also AFVN KoreaRadio News from the Kennedy Era,  Vintage Airchecks from Great Radio Stations.

See also: Vietnam War, An Audio History

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    Looking forward to receiving it and your work collecting the AFVN stuff! You can imagine how cool this is for me as a Vietnam Army Aviator! I used to listen, while in the midst of some heavy stuff during missions as well as after in our underground officer's club! The PSA's and Commercials, that were always overshadowed by the great music, now have a special, more meaningful contex, 48 years later! All I can say is WOW!

    Mike Verified Purchase

    My order was dealt with professionally and received promptly. The AFVN CD set brings back vivid memories of time spent on oil tankers bringing various oil products from Singapore to Nha Be, on the river near Saigon, between 1970 and 72. One programme I particular enjoyed was Charlie Williams' [if I remember the name correctly] Country Corner Programme, which aired at 0400hrs, the opening theme piece is included the AFVN CDs. I would be interested to know if any Country Corner Programmes are available. I am also completely satisfied with other products I bought from you about ten years ago.

    Michael Verified Purchase

    Like so many other programs that otrcat.com puts out, history comes alive. Hearing these broadcasts from yesteryear in their real time gives me a new perspective of the era and the people who lived it. I can’t wait for more from otrcat.com. Thank you!


    There was a lot of repetition and a lot that needed to be cropped. BUT. It was a phenomenal value as a $5 download. Not sure how the Roy D Mercer prank call from the 90s got in there...lol I was able to clean up and trim the broadcasts until I had about 6 hours of very good broadcasts to replay during reenactments. I've recommended OTRCAT to several reenactors based off just this one purchase. Thanks.

    Brian Verified Purchase

    I wonder if college history professors know this is available as a primary resource for historical research? (Yeah, they probably do. They're way smarter than I am, as they proved during my undergrad days.) ;-) :-) Anyway, this is a vital primary source for research and for amateur historians, people like me who can hear first-hand things that we've only read about. Absolutely fantastic! And they can be fun just for casual listening--I was a teen in these days and this seems so familiar! --ken

    Ken Verified Purchase

    Thank you for this great Audio Collection from the Vietnam War times.

    Attila Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    171 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 33 hours, 38 min
    171 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 33 hours, 38 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 67 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 37 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Afvn 001209 Dawn Busters Show Pat Sajak.mp3
    3. Afvn 1968 Year In Life.mp3
    4. Afvn 19680000 Bob Hope Christmas Show.mp3
    5. Afvn 19681201 Todays Soft And Relaxing Program.mp3
    6. Afvn 19690000 Haunted House Halloween Show.mp3
    7. Afvn 19690119 Golden Sounds Of Afvn.mp3
    8. Afvn 19690327 Dawn Busters Show Pat Sajak.mp3
    9. Afvn 19690327 Newscast.mp3
    10. Afvn 19690329 Newscast.mp3
    11. Afvn 19700000 Hour Of Love With Brother John Part 1.mp3
    12. Afvn 19700000 Hour Of Love With Brother John Part 2.mp3
    13. Afvn 19700101 Town And Country Show Don Cotterell.mp3
    14. Afvn 19700223 Bob Kingsley.mp3
    15. Afvn 19700704 Go Radio Tom Watson.mp3
    16. Afvn 19700724 Tuy Hoa 500 Hits Part 1.mp3
    17. Afvn 19700724 Tuy Hoa 500 Hits Part 2.mp3
    18. Afvn 19700928 Newcast.mp3
    19. Afvn 19701127 Barbara Randolph Gene Wheat Part 1.mp3
    20. Afvn 19701127 Barbara Randolph Gene Wheat Part 2.mp3
    21. Afvn 19701127 Orient Express Barbara Randolph.mp3
    22. Afvn 19710101 Da Nag Emergency.mp3
    23. Afvn 19710703 Newcast.mp3
    24. Afvn 19720800 Dawn Busters Show John Allgood.mp3
    25. Afvn 19720912 Night Beat With Dan Vandermyde Top 40 Hits.mp3
    26. Afvn 19730128 Town And Country Show Don Cotterell.mp3
    27. Afvn 19730217 Country Roads Show Chuck Lankford.mp3
    28. Afvn 1lt. Bruce Wahl.mp3
    29. Afvn 54 Am 99.9 Fm Id.mp3
    30. Afvn Air Force Captain Interview.mp3
    31. Afvn Airmail Psa.mp3
    32. Afvn America Psa.mp3
    33. Afvn An Hour Of Love With Tony Pig.mp3
    34. Afvn Australia 4 Rr.mp3
    35. Afvn Australia Rr.mp3
    36. Afvn Bloop.mp3
    37. Afvn Blooperbarkedattackaircraft.mp3
    38. Afvn Bloopercapsulecountdown.mp3
    39. Afvn Blooperchanner11.mp3
    40. Afvn Blooperclapslap.mp3
    41. Afvn Bloopercrossatthelocomotivethingy.mp3
    42. Afvn Blooperdawnbusted.mp3
    43. Afvn Blooperdejavuealloveragain.mp3
    44. Afvn Blooperenoughawhat.mp3
    45. Afvn Blooperhowsyourvdlately.mp3
    46. Afvn Blooperjoeybishopalittlegrass.mp3
    47. Afvn Blooperjoeybishoponpatsajak.mp3
    48. Afvn Blooperoperationstarsearch.mp3
    49. Afvn Bloopersimulwatt.mp3
    50. Afvn Bloopertherewerethey.mp3
    51. Afvn Blooperthesoundofeverything.mp3
    52. Afvn Bloopertruthinreporting.mp3
    53. Afvn Collage.mp3
    54. Afvn Cool Clear Water.mp3
    55. Afvn Country Corner With Charlie Williams Opening.mp3
    56. Afvn Cu Chi University.mp3
    57. Afvn Da Nang Station Id Driving Psa Hourly Cycling Tone.mp3
    58. Afvn Danang Billy Williams.mp3
    59. Afvn Dawn Buster.mp3
    60. Afvn Dawnbuster John Allgood.mp3
    61. Afvn Driving Psa.mp3
    62. Afvn End Of An Era.mp3
    63. Afvn Extending Rr Psa.mp3
    64. Afvn Folk Songs Vietnam.mp3
    65. Afvn Footcarepsa.mp3
    66. Afvn For Girls Show Ken Couch.mp3
    67. Afvn Free Postage Army Recruiter Psas.mp3
    68. Afvn Gi Bill Psa.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 104 shows – total playtime 11 hours, 1 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Afvn Bob Hope 681200 From Long Binh.mp3
    3. Afvn Bob Kingsley Segue.mp3
    4. Afvn Bob Rossi Reads Movie Schedules.mp3
    5. Afvn Busy Signal News Plug.mp3
    6. Afvn Checking Psa Becomes Network Difficulties Announcemen.mp3
    7. Afvn Chicken Man Theme.mp3
    8. Afvn Chris Noel 670822 Program 57 Part 1.mp3
    9. Afvn Chris Noel 670822 Program 57 Part 2.mp3
    10. Afvn Chris Noel 670823 Program 58 Part 1.mp3
    11. Afvn Chris Noel 670823 Program 58 Part 2.mp3
    12. Afvn Chris Noel 690526 Program 516 Part 1.mp3
    13. Afvn Chris Noel 690527 Program 517 Part 1.mp3
    14. Afvn Chris Noel 690616 Program 531 Part 2.mp3
    15. Afvn Chris Noel 690617 Program 532 Part 2.mp3
    16. Afvn Chu Hoi Program Network Plug.mp3
    17. Afvn Chu Hoi Program Psa.mp3
    18. Afvn Chu Hoi Program.mp3
    19. Afvn Chuhoipsanetworkidlinked.mp3
    20. Afvn Goodmorningvietnam!adriancronauer.mp3
    21. Afvn Great Speeches Richard M. Nixon End Of Vietnam Wa.mp3
    22. Afvn Great Speeches Vice President Spiro Agnew Address.mp3
    23. Afvn Hanoihannah Not Afvn But I Wanted To Keep Nam Stu.mp3
    24. Afvn Hanoihannahhowareyougijoe.mp3
    25. Afvn Hanoihannahnewsaboutthewar.mp3
    26. Afvn Hawaii Rr.mp3
    27. Afvn Hong Kong Rr.mp3
    28. Afvn Idmailcallpsa.mp3
    29. Afvn Joe Moore Sports.mp3
    30. Afvn John Foster Dulles Vietnam Geneva Conference.mp3
    31. Afvn Kent State Report 1.mp3
    32. Afvn Kent State Report 2.mp3
    33. Afvn Laryngitis Reenlistment Psa.mp3
    34. Afvn Lsd Psa.mp3
    35. Afvn M16maintenancepsa.mp3
    36. Afvn Malaria Psa.mp3
    37. Afvn Mos Test 1970.mp3
    38. Afvn Movie Showings.mp3
    39. Afvn Movieschedules.mp3
    40. Afvn Mpc Conversion Announcement.mp3
    41. Afvn Music Power Jingle.mp3
    42. Afvn Nationalanthem.mp3
    43. Afvn Nbc Monitor College Psa.mp3
    44. Afvn Network Id Malaria Psa.mp3
    45. Afvn Networkid.mp3
    46. Afvn Networkidlong.mp3
    47. Afvn New Report.mp3
    48. Afvn News 690330.mp3
    49. Afvn News Closing Theme.mp3
    50. Afvn News Fall 1968 2.mp3
    51. Afvn News Fall 1968 3.mp3
    52. Afvn News Fall 1968 4.mp3
    53. Afvn News Fall 1968 5.mp3
    54. Afvn News Fall 1968.mp3
    55. Afvn News Intros.mp3
    56. Afvn News Nixon Loses Conservative Youth Support.mp3
    57. Afvn News With Paul Bottoms.mp3
    58. Afvn Newsbulletinsequetheme.mp3
    59. Afvn Nha Trang Air Check 01 62370.mp3
    60. Afvn Nha Trang Air Check 62370.mp3
    61. Afvn Orient Express And News.mp3
    62. Afvn Orient Express Church Psa.mp3
    63. Afvn Panorama Reads Stateside Weather.mp3
    64. Afvn Pat Sajak Segue On Dawn Buster.mp3
    65. Afvn Percy Marvelous.mp3
    66. Afvn Piaster Spending.mp3
    67. Afvn Recruiter Psa.mp3
    68. Afvn Red Cross Psa.mp3
    69. Afvn Reenlistment Jingle.mp3
    70. Afvn Rr.mp3
    71. Afvn Saigon631102coupcurfew.mp3
    72. Afvn Same Team Transportation Psa.mp3
    73. Afvn Savings Bond Psa.mp3
    74. Afvn Seeing Red Work Order Psa.mp3
    75. Afvn Seguetheme.mp3
    76. Afvn Seymour Hirsh Wins Pulitzer Prize For My Lai Story.mp3
    77. Afvn Signon.mp3
    78. Afvn Singapore Rr.mp3
    79. Afvn Skag Heroin Psa.mp3
    80. Afvn Snakebitepsa.mp3
    81. Afvn South Vietnamese Radio.mp3
    82. Afvn Special Services.mp3
    83. Afvn Sports Report.mp3
    84. Afvn Sports With Art Burnette Paul Harvey News.mp3
    85. Afvn Stars Stripes Ad.mp3
    86. Afvn Stationidchieuhoiprogram.mp3
    87. Afvn Sydney Australia Rr.mp3
    88. Afvn Taipa Rr.mp3
    89. Afvn Tex Ritter Plug.mp3
    90. Afvn Thebeatgoeson.mp3
    91. Afvn Thebeatgoesonspinningwheel.mp3
    92. Afvn Tokyo Rr.mp3
    93. Afvn Tokyor Rr Ad.mp3
    94. Afvn Town Country.mp3
    95. Afvn Uniformed Savings Deposit Program Psa.mp3
    96. Afvn Uso Ad News.mp3
    97. Afvn Uso Ad.mp3
    98. Afvn Uso Showtime 1.mp3
    99. Afvn Uso Showtime 2.mp3
    100. Afvn Vd Education Psas.mp3
    101. Afvn W Bruce Wahl.mp3
    102. Afvn War Trophies.mp3
    103. Afvn Wuppin Prank Call.mp3
    104. Afvn Youoweittoyourself.mp3
    105. Avfn Nbc Monitor College Pacific Stars Stripes Psas.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    171 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 33 hours, 38 min
    171 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    924 MB – total playtime 33 hours, 38 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 67 shows – 621 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 37 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Afvn 001209 Dawn Busters Show Pat Sajak.mp3
    3. Afvn 1968 Year In Life.mp3
    4. Afvn 19680000 Bob Hope Christmas Show.mp3
    5. Afvn 19681201 Todays Soft And Relaxing Program.mp3
    6. Afvn 19690000 Haunted House Halloween Show.mp3
    7. Afvn 19690119 Golden Sounds Of Afvn.mp3
    8. Afvn 19690327 Dawn Busters Show Pat Sajak.mp3
    9. Afvn 19690327 Newscast.mp3
    10. Afvn 19690329 Newscast.mp3
    11. Afvn 19700000 Hour Of Love With Brother John Part 1.mp3
    12. Afvn 19700000 Hour Of Love With Brother John Part 2.mp3
    13. Afvn 19700101 Town And Country Show Don Cotterell.mp3
    14. Afvn 19700223 Bob Kingsley.mp3
    15. Afvn 19700704 Go Radio Tom Watson.mp3
    16. Afvn 19700724 Tuy Hoa 500 Hits Part 1.mp3
    17. Afvn 19700724 Tuy Hoa 500 Hits Part 2.mp3
    18. Afvn 19700928 Newcast.mp3
    19. Afvn 19701127 Barbara Randolph Gene Wheat Part 1.mp3
    20. Afvn 19701127 Barbara Randolph Gene Wheat Part 2.mp3
    21. Afvn 19701127 Orient Express Barbara Randolph.mp3
    22. Afvn 19710101 Da Nag Emergency.mp3
    23. Afvn 19710703 Newcast.mp3
    24. Afvn 19720800 Dawn Busters Show John Allgood.mp3
    25. Afvn 19720912 Night Beat With Dan Vandermyde Top 40 Hits.mp3
    26. Afvn 19730128 Town And Country Show Don Cotterell.mp3
    27. Afvn 19730217 Country Roads Show Chuck Lankford.mp3
    28. Afvn 1lt. Bruce Wahl.mp3
    29. Afvn 54 Am 99.9 Fm Id.mp3
    30. Afvn Air Force Captain Interview.mp3
    31. Afvn Airmail Psa.mp3
    32. Afvn America Psa.mp3
    33. Afvn An Hour Of Love With Tony Pig.mp3
    34. Afvn Australia 4 Rr.mp3
    35. Afvn Australia Rr.mp3
    36. Afvn Bloop.mp3
    37. Afvn Blooperbarkedattackaircraft.mp3
    38. Afvn Bloopercapsulecountdown.mp3
    39. Afvn Blooperchanner11.mp3
    40. Afvn Blooperclapslap.mp3
    41. Afvn Bloopercrossatthelocomotivethingy.mp3
    42. Afvn Blooperdawnbusted.mp3
    43. Afvn Blooperdejavuealloveragain.mp3
    44. Afvn Blooperenoughawhat.mp3
    45. Afvn Blooperhowsyourvdlately.mp3
    46. Afvn Blooperjoeybishopalittlegrass.mp3
    47. Afvn Blooperjoeybishoponpatsajak.mp3
    48. Afvn Blooperoperationstarsearch.mp3
    49. Afvn Bloopersimulwatt.mp3
    50. Afvn Bloopertherewerethey.mp3
    51. Afvn Blooperthesoundofeverything.mp3
    52. Afvn Bloopertruthinreporting.mp3
    53. Afvn Collage.mp3
    54. Afvn Cool Clear Water.mp3
    55. Afvn Country Corner With Charlie Williams Opening.mp3
    56. Afvn Cu Chi University.mp3
    57. Afvn Da Nang Station Id Driving Psa Hourly Cycling Tone.mp3
    58. Afvn Danang Billy Williams.mp3
    59. Afvn Dawn Buster.mp3
    60. Afvn Dawnbuster John Allgood.mp3
    61. Afvn Driving Psa.mp3
    62. Afvn End Of An Era.mp3
    63. Afvn Extending Rr Psa.mp3
    64. Afvn Folk Songs Vietnam.mp3
    65. Afvn Footcarepsa.mp3
    66. Afvn For Girls Show Ken Couch.mp3
    67. Afvn Free Postage Army Recruiter Psas.mp3
    68. Afvn Gi Bill Psa.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 104 shows – 303 MB – total playtime 11 hours, 1 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Afvn Bob Hope 681200 From Long Binh.mp3
    3. Afvn Bob Kingsley Segue.mp3
    4. Afvn Bob Rossi Reads Movie Schedules.mp3
    5. Afvn Busy Signal News Plug.mp3
    6. Afvn Checking Psa Becomes Network Difficulties Announcemen.mp3
    7. Afvn Chicken Man Theme.mp3
    8. Afvn Chris Noel 670822 Program 57 Part 1.mp3
    9. Afvn Chris Noel 670822 Program 57 Part 2.mp3
    10. Afvn Chris Noel 670823 Program 58 Part 1.mp3
    11. Afvn Chris Noel 670823 Program 58 Part 2.mp3
    12. Afvn Chris Noel 690526 Program 516 Part 1.mp3
    13. Afvn Chris Noel 690527 Program 517 Part 1.mp3
    14. Afvn Chris Noel 690616 Program 531 Part 2.mp3
    15. Afvn Chris Noel 690617 Program 532 Part 2.mp3
    16. Afvn Chu Hoi Program Network Plug.mp3
    17. Afvn Chu Hoi Program Psa.mp3
    18. Afvn Chu Hoi Program.mp3
    19. Afvn Chuhoipsanetworkidlinked.mp3
    20. Afvn Goodmorningvietnam!adriancronauer.mp3
    21. Afvn Great Speeches Richard M. Nixon End Of Vietnam Wa.mp3
    22. Afvn Great Speeches Vice President Spiro Agnew Address.mp3
    23. Afvn Hanoihannah Not Afvn But I Wanted To Keep Nam Stu.mp3
    24. Afvn Hanoihannahhowareyougijoe.mp3
    25. Afvn Hanoihannahnewsaboutthewar.mp3
    26. Afvn Hawaii Rr.mp3
    27. Afvn Hong Kong Rr.mp3
    28. Afvn Idmailcallpsa.mp3
    29. Afvn Joe Moore Sports.mp3
    30. Afvn John Foster Dulles Vietnam Geneva Conference.mp3
    31. Afvn Kent State Report 1.mp3
    32. Afvn Kent State Report 2.mp3
    33. Afvn Laryngitis Reenlistment Psa.mp3
    34. Afvn Lsd Psa.mp3
    35. Afvn M16maintenancepsa.mp3
    36. Afvn Malaria Psa.mp3
    37. Afvn Mos Test 1970.mp3
    38. Afvn Movie Showings.mp3
    39. Afvn Movieschedules.mp3
    40. Afvn Mpc Conversion Announcement.mp3
    41. Afvn Music Power Jingle.mp3
    42. Afvn Nationalanthem.mp3
    43. Afvn Nbc Monitor College Psa.mp3
    44. Afvn Network Id Malaria Psa.mp3
    45. Afvn Networkid.mp3
    46. Afvn Networkidlong.mp3
    47. Afvn New Report.mp3
    48. Afvn News 690330.mp3
    49. Afvn News Closing Theme.mp3
    50. Afvn News Fall 1968 2.mp3
    51. Afvn News Fall 1968 3.mp3
    52. Afvn News Fall 1968 4.mp3
    53. Afvn News Fall 1968 5.mp3
    54. Afvn News Fall 1968.mp3
    55. Afvn News Intros.mp3
    56. Afvn News Nixon Loses Conservative Youth Support.mp3
    57. Afvn News With Paul Bottoms.mp3
    58. Afvn Newsbulletinsequetheme.mp3
    59. Afvn Nha Trang Air Check 01 62370.mp3
    60. Afvn Nha Trang Air Check 62370.mp3
    61. Afvn Orient Express And News.mp3
    62. Afvn Orient Express Church Psa.mp3
    63. Afvn Panorama Reads Stateside Weather.mp3
    64. Afvn Pat Sajak Segue On Dawn Buster.mp3
    65. Afvn Percy Marvelous.mp3
    66. Afvn Piaster Spending.mp3
    67. Afvn Recruiter Psa.mp3
    68. Afvn Red Cross Psa.mp3
    69. Afvn Reenlistment Jingle.mp3
    70. Afvn Rr.mp3
    71. Afvn Saigon631102coupcurfew.mp3
    72. Afvn Same Team Transportation Psa.mp3
    73. Afvn Savings Bond Psa.mp3
    74. Afvn Seeing Red Work Order Psa.mp3
    75. Afvn Seguetheme.mp3
    76. Afvn Seymour Hirsh Wins Pulitzer Prize For My Lai Story.mp3
    77. Afvn Signon.mp3
    78. Afvn Singapore Rr.mp3
    79. Afvn Skag Heroin Psa.mp3
    80. Afvn Snakebitepsa.mp3
    81. Afvn South Vietnamese Radio.mp3
    82. Afvn Special Services.mp3
    83. Afvn Sports Report.mp3
    84. Afvn Sports With Art Burnette Paul Harvey News.mp3
    85. Afvn Stars Stripes Ad.mp3
    86. Afvn Stationidchieuhoiprogram.mp3
    87. Afvn Sydney Australia Rr.mp3
    88. Afvn Taipa Rr.mp3
    89. Afvn Tex Ritter Plug.mp3
    90. Afvn Thebeatgoeson.mp3
    91. Afvn Thebeatgoesonspinningwheel.mp3
    92. Afvn Tokyo Rr.mp3
    93. Afvn Tokyor Rr Ad.mp3
    94. Afvn Town Country.mp3
    95. Afvn Uniformed Savings Deposit Program Psa.mp3
    96. Afvn Uso Ad News.mp3
    97. Afvn Uso Ad.mp3
    98. Afvn Uso Showtime 1.mp3
    99. Afvn Uso Showtime 2.mp3
    100. Afvn Vd Education Psas.mp3
    101. Afvn W Bruce Wahl.mp3
    102. Afvn War Trophies.mp3
    103. Afvn Wuppin Prank Call.mp3
    104. Afvn Youoweittoyourself.mp3
    105. Avfn Nbc Monitor College Pacific Stars Stripes Psas.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    171 recordings on 37 Audio CDs. Total playtime 30 hours, 50 min
    171 recordings on 37 Audio CDs
    total playtime 30 hours, 50 min

    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A001

    1. Afvn 1968 Year In Life

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A002

    1. Afvn 19680000 Bob Hope Christmas Show

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A003

    1. Afvn 19681201 Todays Soft And Relaxing Program

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A004

    1. Afvn 19690000 Haunted House Halloween Show

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A005

    1. Afvn 19690119 Golden Sounds Of Afvn

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A006

    1. Afvn 19690327 Dawn Busters Show Pat Sajak
    2. Afvn 19690327 Newscast
    3. Afvn 19690329 Newscast

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A007

    1. Afvn 19700000 Hour Of Love With Brother John Part 1

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A008

    1. Afvn 19700000 Hour Of Love With Brother John Part 2

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A009

    1. Afvn 19700101 Town And Country Show Don Cotterell

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A010

    1. Afvn 19700223 Bob Kingsley
    2. Afvn 19700704 Go Radio Tom Watson

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A011

    1. Afvn 19700724 Tuy Hoa 500 Hits Part 1

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A012

    1. Afvn 19700724 Tuy Hoa 500 Hits Part 2
    2. Afvn 19700928 Newcast

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A013

    1. Afvn 19701127 Barbara Randolph Gene Wheat Part 1

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A014

    1. Afvn 19701127 Barbara Randolph Gene Wheat Part 2

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A015

    1. Afvn 19701127 Orient Express Barbara Randolph

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A016

    1. Afvn 19710101 Da Nag Emergency
    2. Afvn 19710703 Newcast

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A017

    1. Afvn 19720800 Dawn Busters Show John Allgood

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A018

    1. Afvn 19720912 Night Beat With Dan Vandermyde Top 40 Hits

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A019

    1. Afvn 19730128 Town And Country Show Don Cotterell

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A020

    1. Afvn 19730217 Country Roads Show Chuck Lankford

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A021

    1. Afvn 1lt. Bruce Wahl
    2. Afvn 54 Am 99.9 Fm Id
    3. Afvn Air Force Captain Interview
    4. Afvn Airmail Psa
    5. Afvn America Psa
    6. Afvn An Hour Of Love With Tony Pig
    7. Afvn Australia 4 Rr
    8. Afvn Australia Rr
    9. Afvn Bloop
    10. Afvn Blooperbarkedattackaircraft
    11. Afvn Bloopercapsulecountdown
    12. Afvn Blooperchanner11
    13. Afvn Blooperclapslap
    14. Afvn Bloopercrossatthelocomotivethingy
    15. Afvn Blooperdawnbusted
    16. Afvn Blooperdejavuealloveragain

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A022

    1. Afvn Blooperenoughawhat
    2. Afvn Blooperhowsyourvdlately
    3. Afvn Blooperjoeybishopalittlegrass
    4. Afvn Blooperjoeybishoponpatsajak
    5. Afvn Blooperoperationstarsearch
    6. Afvn Bloopersimulwatt
    7. Afvn Bloopertherewerethey
    8. Afvn Blooperthesoundofeverything
    9. Afvn Bloopertruthinreporting
    10. Afvn Bob Kingsley Segue
    11. Afvn Bob Rossi Reads Movie Schedules
    12. Afvn Busy Signal News Plug
    13. Afvn Checking Psa Becomes Network Difficulties Announcemen
    14. Afvn Chicken Man Theme
    15. Afvn Chu Hoi Program Network Plug
    16. Afvn Chu Hoi Program Psa
    17. Afvn Chu Hoi Program
    18. Afvn Chuhoipsanetworkidlinked
    19. Afvn Collage
    20. Afvn Cool Clear Water
    21. Afvn Country Corner With Charlie Williams Opening
    22. Afvn Cu Chi University
    23. Afvn Da Nang Station Id Driving Psa Hourly Cycling Tone

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A023

    1. Afvn Danang Billy Williams

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A024

    1. Afvn Dawn Buster

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A025

    1. Afvn Dawnbuster John Allgood
    2. Afvn Driving Psa
    3. Afvn End Of An Era
    4. Afvn Extending Rr Psa

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A026

    1. Afvn Folk Songs Vietnam
    2. Afvn Footcarepsa

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A027

    1. Afvn For Girls Show Ken Couch
    2. Afvn Free Postage Army Recruiter Psas
    3. Afvn Gi Bill Psa
    4. Afvn Goodmorningvietnam!adriancronauer
    5. Afvn Great Speeches Richard M. Nixon End Of Vietnam Wa
    6. Afvn Great Speeches Vice President Spiro Agnew Address
    7. Afvn Hanoihannah Not Afvn But I Wanted To Keep Nam Stu
    8. Afvn Hanoihannahhowareyougijoe
    9. Afvn Hanoihannahnewsaboutthewar
    10. Afvn Hawaii Rr
    11. Afvn Hong Kong Rr
    12. Afvn Idmailcallpsa
    13. Afvn Joe Moore Sports
    14. Afvn John Foster Dulles Vietnam Geneva Conference
    15. Afvn Kent State Report 1
    16. Afvn Kent State Report 2
    17. Afvn Laryngitis Reenlistment Psa
    18. Afvn Lsd Psa
    19. Afvn M16maintenancepsa
    20. Afvn Malaria Psa
    21. Afvn Mos Test 1970
    22. Afvn Movie Showings
    23. Afvn Movieschedules

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A028

    1. Afvn Mpc Conversion Announcement
    2. Afvn Music Power Jingle
    3. Afvn Nationalanthem
    4. Afvn Nbc Monitor College Psa
    5. Afvn Network Id Malaria Psa
    6. Afvn Networkid
    7. Afvn Networkidlong
    8. Afvn New Report
    9. Afvn News Closing Theme
    10. Afvn News Fall 1968 2
    11. Afvn News Fall 1968 3
    12. Afvn News Fall 1968 4
    13. Afvn News Fall 1968 5
    14. Afvn News Fall 1968
    15. Afvn News Intros
    16. Afvn News Nixon Loses Conservative Youth Support

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A029

    1. Afvn News With Paul Bottoms
    2. Afvn Newsbulletinsequetheme
    3. Afvn Nha Trang Air Check 62370

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A030

    1. Afvn Orient Express And News
    2. Afvn Orient Express Church Psa
    3. Afvn Panorama Reads Stateside Weather
    4. Afvn Pat Sajak Segue On Dawn Buster
    5. Afvn Percy Marvelous
    6. Afvn Piaster Spending
    7. Afvn Recruiter Psa
    8. Afvn Red Cross Psa
    9. Afvn Reenlistment Jingle
    10. Afvn Rr
    11. Afvn Same Team Transportation Psa
    12. Afvn Savings Bond Psa
    13. Afvn Seeing Red Work Order Psa
    14. Afvn Seguetheme
    15. Afvn Seymour Hirsh Wins Pulitzer Prize For My Lai Story
    16. Afvn Signon
    17. Afvn Singapore Rr
    18. Afvn Skag Heroin Psa
    19. Afvn Snakebitepsa
    20. Afvn South Vietnamese Radio
    21. Afvn Special Services
    22. Afvn Sports Report
    23. Afvn Sports With Art Burnette Paul Harvey News
    24. Afvn Stars Stripes Ad
    25. Afvn Stationidchieuhoiprogram
    26. Afvn Sydney Australia Rr
    27. Afvn Taipa Rr
    28. Afvn Tex Ritter Plug
    29. Afvn Thebeatgoeson
    30. Afvn Thebeatgoesonspinningwheel
    31. Afvn Tokyo Rr
    32. Afvn Tokyor Rr Ad

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A031

    1. Afvn Town Country
    2. Afvn Uniformed Savings Deposit Program Psa
    3. Afvn Uso Ad News
    4. Afvn Uso Ad
    5. Afvn Uso Showtime 1
    6. Afvn Uso Showtime 2
    7. Afvn Vd Education Psas

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A032

    1. Afvn W Bruce Wahl
    2. Afvn War Trophies
    3. Afvn Wuppin Prank Call
    4. Afvn Youoweittoyourself
    5. Avfn Nbc Monitor College Pacific Stars Stripes Psas

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A033

    1. Afvn 001209 Dawn Busters Show Pat Sajak
    2. Afvn Saigon631102coupcurfew

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A034

    1. Afvn Chris Noel 670822 Program 57 Part 1
    2. Afvn Chris Noel 670822 Program 57 Part 2

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A035

    1. Afvn Chris Noel 670823 Program 58 Part 1
    2. Afvn Chris Noel 670823 Program 58 Part 2
    3. Afvn News 690330

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A036

    1. Afvn Chris Noel 690526 Program 516 Part 1
    2. Afvn Chris Noel 690527 Program 517 Part 1

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    AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam) Disc A037

    1. Afvn Chris Noel 690616 Program 531 Part 2
    2. Afvn Chris Noel 690617 Program 532 Part 2

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